2 February 2016
Today, we had to take a quiz test. In my view, it was neutral because I had done but there were many stories that I had to read them, so I needed to read, think and write quickly. Because if I thought and wrote tardily, I wouldn't finish in time.
When we finished taking the quiz test, we had to studied about "DESCRIPTIVE". Our teacher explained this lesson by showing some pictures which are as follow:
After we finished watching these pictures, we had to read about the text related with animal which is "KOMODO" Before we started reading, the teacher gave us to write the words associated with "KOMODO"
After that, we had to read whole of this text. Then, we must analyze, include the main point in each of paragraph and answer the questions respectively.
When I finished reading about Komodo called "Varanus", I concluded the text each of paragraph in spiderweb on my handout in order to understand what each of paragraph is about.
There are 5 points of this text. One is where Komodo lives, second is size, third is sense and appearance, fourth is habitat and the last one is diet.
When I finished including the text as spiderweb, I could answer the questions easily because it made me understand exactly how the author described it.

In my opinion, Thinking what the author describes and including the summary as spiderweb can be very beneficial. Because it makes me know and understand the sequence and how he describes.
Next, I needed to do exercise B that I had to match each word with the correct meaning. From this exercise, it was quite difficult as a result of its words. Some words, I have never met before so I had to read the context clue and try to guess the words. When I had done, I opened the dictionary in order to find the meaning and pronounce those words respectively.
The teacher assigned us to do the works. she wanted us to read and conclude as spiderweb on handout in order to think systematically.
My homework, the text 2 in my handout is about "Budapest" I also read and summarized as spiderweb. I would like to show you some photos of attractive places in Budapest which are as follow:

Next, the text 3 is about "Prague" I summarized the text as spiderweb and I would like to show you some photos related with Prague which are as follow:

The last one is describing of people. I also read the text and summarized the text by drawing and painting which is as follow:
From this lesson, I gained a lot of knowledge e,g. in Prague and Budapest. I also find the new information on the internet in order to understand greatly. I have already printed about some of pictures related with Prague and Budapest as well.
Buda vs. Pest: One city, two personalities
I also knew that Budapest has two character. Buda is oldest part of the city. There are many places in there such as Buda Castle, Citadel. the National Library, etc. In contrast, Pest is fulfilled with assortment of bars, cafe and gourmet restaurants. This city is so worth a visit any time of the year.
I took the quiz test and learned about description
In my opinion, description makes me imagine how the author describes.
In my opinion, This unit is Descriptive, so the vocabularies are pretty important. I see that some words in the text I have never met before. Thus, it hardly guesses the text due to unfamiliar words.
I tried to pay attention in the classroom, imagined what the author describeก and tried to guess the words by reading the context clue. When I finished reading, I would find the meaning of unfamiliar words, jotted down and pronounced the words immediately.
I think that this lesson makes me know how the things which are described are. I find more information to support the text. This's the way to gain more knowledge from this lesson.
