The ASEAN Community 2015
Today, we studied about The ASEAN Community 2015. First of all, the teacher answered the questions by giving us to write the answers on the whiteboard.
I also knew about the details of ASEAN such as the names of the member countries are Brunei, Myanmar, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia. The tree doors of the ASEAN Community are peace, prosperity and people etc.
Then, she gave us to work in group. Each of groups consists of 4-5 members. She gave the topic "The impact of ASEAN Community" to us and gave us to brainstorm in order to present in front of the classroom in English version.
These are our opinions
1. Free Trade Area of ASEAN
2. Jobs and opportunities will increase
3. Transport and Technology will be better
4. Having chance to study other countries in ASEAN
5. The prices of products will be cheaper
6. The exports of products will be widespread around the world
7. The negotiation of prices' products will be effective
8. English is the central language to communicate
9. Economic and business will grow
10. Exchange culture together
1. The competition will increase
2. The people will be unemployed if they don't have enough proficiency
3. The combat of people in ASEAN owing to history of each countries
4. It will cause of epidemic as a result of migration
5. It will be misunderstanding of the religion and culture
6. It will cause of the crime
I presented it in English version. I think my accent is not good. I should try to speak more in order to be good at speaking. After that, she gave us to brainstorm the topic "How do you prepare about yourself to participate in ASEAN"
This is our summary
1. Having background knowledge in ASEAN
2. Opening mind to accept of the differences of people in society for example, Exchanging culture or language each other
3. Having analyzed skill to solve the problem
4. Adaptation in daily life
5. Practicing again and again
6. Using the Internet to be benefit in working
7. Learning about history of other countries in ASEAN including their languages
8. Having the discipline to yourself and people around yourself
9. Motivation yourself to participate ASEAN by knowing situation in the present, learning other languages such as Vietnamese language, Bahaza, Catalogue etc
10. Having efficiency to work in pair with other people
Next, she read the text about the ASEAN twice times by giving us listen willingly, tried to jot down the words that we heard on our notebook in order to brainstorm about the main idea and presented in front of the classroom in English version.
This is our summary
"Thai labors have weak points are English language, computer usage because they are monolingual. Thus, they should improve themselves by learning English language and having computer usage as well in order to increase their jobs."
Thailand is the country that had never been under colonial rules so its education system is mainly monolingual.
From this activity, I think that it is very nice to practice our Speaking skill as well because we think and speak in English if we do everyday, we will be good at English.

Then, the teacher gave her handout to us the topic is "Extensive reading" before we started this lesson, we had already written the words that associated with the research on English language reading on the whiteboard.
These are the words that associated with the research written by us.
She gave us to read the text quickly and if we met the unknown words, did not stop reading. The text is about the Japanese students do not like English and their tests are poor and the researchers do the experiment by putting these students in a special class and their tests are better including Reading skill, Speaking skill and Writing skill.
Finally, she gave us to do exercises from this handout and told that we have to test on 16 November 2015. so I need to practice more in order to get the better scores.