News on 11-17 December 2015 
A good place to flirt is while waiting in line, says Sara McCormack Hoffman. Hoffman, who teaches a class on the joy of flirting at the Open University of Minneapolis, says there are better and worse places to flirt. Another good place is in a store or shop, where you can talk about merchandise. Hoffman says the worst places include bars, where there are high-pressure situations with loud music and alcohol, and the things you say may go unheard or unremembered.
I knew that there are good and bad places for flirting, according to one therapist.
Orangutans are intelligent apes that live in the forests of the Asian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. Because of a growing human population, those forests are being cut down for lumber and to create farmland. The less forest there is, the fewer the orangutans that can be supported. To add to the problem, orangutans reproduce very slowly. On average, females have just two or three babies over their lifetimes. Today, there are only two thousand orangutans in Borneo and ever fewer in Sumatra.
I also knew that the future of orangutans in Sumatra and Borneo is threatened because the forests are being cut down by human.

five years after his earthquake experience, one man claims that even the rocking of a boat is fearful for him. A young woman who survived an earthquake several years ago says that every loud noise she hears now makes her dive for cover. And another person who experienced an earthquake tells how he plans an escape route every time he enters a building. Apparently, experiencing an earthquake can affect a person's sense of security for a long time.
Source : ตะลุยโจทย์ READING 500 ข้อ, page 8 
I knew that experiencing an earthquake can affect one's sense of security for a long time.

Though steroids make muscles stronger, tendons and ligaments do not portionately increase in strength. Therefore, a strong muscle contraction can tear a tendon and/or a ligament. This is made more serious because the steroids make the injury heal more slowly. When steroids increase muscle size, the extra muscle can grow around the bone and joints, causing them to break more easily.
In my opinion, It is foolish to take steroids.
Women with heart disease who down a few cups of coffee each day tend to live as long as those who avoid the beverage, a large study finds. The result, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, add to a mixed bag of research on whether caffeinated coffee is a hazard for people at high risk of heart problems.
In theory, coffee could be problematic because it has caffeine and other compounds that can raise blood pressure or have other negative effects on the cardiovascular system. But some studies have found that coffee drinkers have no increased risk of a second heart attack or premature death. A few others have have even hinted at productive effects from coffee.
In the new study, which followed nearly 12,000 U.S. nurses with a history of heart disease or stroke those who regularly drank caffeinated coffee were no more likely to die than non-coffee-drinkers during the study period-which for some was more than 20 years.
Researchers found no link between a woman's coffee intake and her risk of death from heart attack, stroke or any other cause. And that was true even of women who downed four or more cups per day. "Our results suggest that coffee drinking is OK for patients with cardiovascular disease, but it would be desirable to replicate our results in other populations," lead researcher Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia, of Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Spain, told Reuters Health in an email.
Some research, for example, has linked coffee drinking to increased risks of high blood pressure in people who are naturally "slow matabolizes" of cafeine: more coffee, lower heart risks. "What this study doesn't tell us is who might coffee be harmful to, and who might benefit from it,"El-Sohemy said.
I also knew that there is no higher death risk in coffee lovers with heart disease. Both coffee lovers and non-coffee lovers tend to live as long as each other.

The other day I read about yet another new diet-this one an anti carb plan imported from France. Do you ever feel like everywhere you look there's some new fad diet? Some claim you should only eat protein, others that you should only eat raw greens, and still others think you should only consume liquids. Most of these diet plans are ineffective (and some of them seem downright dangerous), and they all overlook one important aspect that can effect what and how much we eat: sleep.
The connection between sleep and diet may seem surprising. We've known for a while, though, that there is a fairly well-established link between sleep deprivation and diabetes and obesity. A new study out of Columbia University may help explain this connection. The study's findings suggest that sleep deprivation may actually make you eat more. They found that:
- People who are sleep-deprived will eat more foods high in fat and protein
- When compared to other women who had slept nine hours, woman who had only slept four hours consumed 329 more calories on average
- When compared to other men who had slept nine hours, men who had only slept four hours consumed 263 more calories on average
Notice the difference between the men and women? Interestingly, while both men and women ate more high-protein food, sleep-deprived women ate on average 31 more grams of fat than did their male counterparts. We know that women tend to sleep more poorly than men-it seems that the increase in hunger due to lack of sleep is also not equal, Though the study only looked at adults, other research shows that this desire to eat more food (especially junk food) is also a problem for teens.
There are several possible reasons that people with less sleep eat more. Less sleep to poor judgment in many situations, and if you're very tried throughout the day you may either eat more food to attempt to stay awake, or constantly look for quick fixes like energy drinks and bars, which are more often than not full of sugar and calories (they also can make it even more difficult to fall asleep, which makes the problem of eating because of sleep deprivation that much worse). Also, time spent sleeping is time you aren't eating-if you're up late at night, you may be likely to snack.
I also knew that if we sleep too late or are sleep-deprived people can eat more food so it can make us be diabetes and obesity. Hence, we should not sleep too late if we don't want to get fat.
Basking in the glow of your TV, smart phone or living room lights late into the night may put you at risk for depression, suggests a new study.
The research, which involved hamster, adds to growing evidence in both animals and people that exposure to even dim lights at night can lead to all sorts of negative health consequence, including breast cancer, sleep disorders and weight gain.
We've set up a link between exposure to light at night with depression in these animals," said Tracy Bedrosian, a doctoral student in neuroscience at The Ohio State University in Columbus. "If it does apply to humans, people might want to think about getting dark shades, not leaving .TV on all night long, and making sure to give themselves darkness when they go to sleep."
Major depression has grown more common in recent in recent decades, Bedrosian said. And while there is probably no single reason for the trend, researchers suspect that light disturbances may play a part. That suspicion is based, in part, on the simple observation that people today are exposed to far sources of artificial light at night than they were 100 years ago. More people have computers in their bedrooms. More people fall asleep with the TV on.
Studies have also found that people who work night shifts have higher rates of mood disorders compared to people who sleep when their bodies are supposed to sleep.
I also knew that basking in the light can be risk of depression including breast cancer, sleep disorder and weight gain. Most people who work at night have more higher rates of mood disorders than people who work in the morning. Therefore, we should stay away from the light, turn off the TV or Computer before going to sleep and try to sleep without disturbance of the lights.