20 March 2016
Hello guys, see you again on my weblog. The weather in the afternoon was very hot. It made people moody and angry. I had to study in this afternoon. So, It's time to show you about my experiences in my class on this afternoon. Let's start!
First of all, the teacher checked our name in the afternoon. Then, we started reading in text 1. Text 1 is about What is Anthropology. The text made me know it has two types which are Physical Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology. Physical Anthropology is the study evolution from primates. In other hand, Cultural Anthropology is the study of dealing with what man has produced.
After we finished reading the text, we had to complete the diagram in order to check our comprehension. She gave us to write it on the whiteboard.
When we finished completing the diagram, we had to highlight the discourse markers of the text. I could see the discourse markers which are to tell the meaning of technical terms. When we finished highlighting them, we must answer the questions in the text and complete the main idea too.
After we finished reading in text 1, we had to read in text 2. It is about the species of whales. The text is to let us know there are two main categories of whales. One is toothed. Another one is baleen. I knew that each of types has many species.

After we finished reading, she gave us complete the diagram the species both toothed and baleen categories on the whiteboard.
Later, she gave us highlight the discourse markers in the text and answer the question by ticking T which statement is true and F which statement is false.
We finished studying this lesson. We must study new lesson which is Exemplification. Do you know exactly? What does it mean.
Well, it means to use specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, persuade, define, or illustrate a general idea. Likewise, exemplification provides solid support and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Appropriate examples also create interest in a writing assignment.
She explained the definition of exemplification and also let us know the discourse markers in the text.
After finished explaining, we started reading in text 1 which is College Students' Pressures. When we finished reading, we ought to complete the diagram in order to check our comprehension.
The test made us know about College Students' Pressures have examples that support them. One is job and school work balance. Second one is Financial Pressures and the last one is Different atmosphere adjustment.
Next, we have to highlight the discourse markers in the text which is related with exemplification. Some are difficult and unknown discourse markers. Hence, I have to read and find more information about these as much as possible.
Eventually, she assigned us read text 2, 3, and 4. She will answered the questions on this Tuesday. Thus, the more I read, the more I get. TRY MY BEST
We finished presentation at all. So, we have to study Exemplification on 22 Tuesday. And also we have to take a test on 29. Preparing is the best way to get the best score.
I also knew that using mobile phones in children can be dangerous to their health. Their parents should encourage use of mobile phones in order to avoid getting danger with their children.
I started to study Definition and Classification (continued...) and new lesson which was Exemplification.
In my opinion, Finding the discourse markers was easy for me. Because I knew these conjunction as well. I will learn as much as I can in order to understand and do in testing as well.
Personally, some words were difficult because they were unknown words.
I tried to pay attention during the class and notice the discourse markers in order to know what does technical term mean.
Personally, this lesson is important in reading. Particularly, academic reading because when we read about academic reading, we will see the technical terms which are quite hard. We can predict their meaning by noticing discourse markers. They will help us understand as well. Yet, you must have been better skill in reading before. If you haven't, you can't understand or read the text related with academic reading as well. In other hand, Exemplification is benefit for the text which gives more information to the readers. We can understand the supported information and strong evidence to prove the writer's main statement. Hence, knowing discourse markers are quite beneficial for reading text which has more supported information.