13 March 2016
Today is Sunday. I had to study of this Sunday so, I am exhausted right now. The teacher wants to close A Discourse Approach in Reading Course as soon as possible thus, we had to study of these two Sunday. Today and Sunday 20 March, I have to be strong and endure as much as I can.
Go back to the lesson, we studied the comparison and contrast. The teacher gave us to compare the similarities and differences between New York and Paris subway systems on the whiteboard.
The text is about New York and Paris have the differences and similarities. Both are often crowded, terrible noise level in the trains, and covered a wide area of little expense from commuters.
New York's Subway Stations are from plain to ugly, less clean, and less reliable. While, Paris's Subway Stations are generally attractive, clean and reliable. Furthermore, Its Trains are reliable.
Then, she gave us think about what the main idea of this text is. and also, think about the topic too.
The topic of this text is the Differences and Similarities of Subway Systems of New York and Paris.
The Main idea of this text is New York and Paris Subway Systems Have both Similarities and Differences or There Are Similarities and Differences between New York and Paris Subway Systems.
I also knew that, the topic must be capital letter because of content word except preposition, article, and conjunction
After that, we started reading in text 2 which is Andrew Hurricane and Hurrican Katrina. After we finished reading, she gave us to write the board about the differences and similarities of them.

In short, Hurricane Andrew was more dangerous than Hurricane Katrina. In contrast, Hurricane Katrina was more destructive and worse than Hurricane Andrew.
Next, we started reading in the last text which is the differences between the languages of men and women. when I was reading, I also used skimming and scanning strategy. When I finished reading, I also noted what each of paragraphs is about.
Later, she gave us to note short summary each of paragraphs in order to check we understood definitely.
Then, she answered the questions by asking us first. When we did wrongly, she would tell the correct answers and the reasons how the correct answer was.
Finally, she assigned us to answer the questions which is the back of this hand out. They are related with the text which we read already.
I would like to share my opinion about these questions to all of you.
1. Do you agree with Tannen's views on the subject? Be specific about your points of disagreement.
Personally, I couldn't agree more with Tannen's views. Men and women are raised differently. They also have different opinion, thought or even language in which they use to communicate. Many men and women can be misunderstand owing to their language. Moreover, most of men tend to have a challenge when they are talking with someone. In contrast, women tend to less have a challenge when they are talking with someone. They often tell stories that make themselves look dumb.
Both men and women should learn how to use their communication. Moreover, they should try to understand each other. When they speak the same language, they can work toward better personal and professional relationships.
2. Are any of Tannen's points about the different personalities of men and women true in your native culture? Explain. Do men and women in your native culture use the language the way Tannen claims American men and women do? Give specific examples.
At my point of view, Thai men and women have differences of their communication. Because they are brought up differently. Most of Thai women are generous and methodical. They usually tell the things over and over to the men. This is caused both Thai women and men have trouble together. On the contrary, Many of Thai men are uncomplicated. They don't like the people who are fussy with them. In addition, they are quite isolated. They don't want to have the people who are talkative too much.
For instance, There is the couple. Both of them usually have the problems. The man knows that he has to work at 8.30 a.m. and he thinks he will get up at about 8.00 a.m. Because of his wife care, she calls him at 7.00 a.m. over and over. The man feels angry because he wants to sleep more and knows that he can work on time. Thus, they quarrel and his wife is quite sad and isolated.
I also knew that the electric eel has more storage battery in it. it can send a jot of as much as eight hundred vols of electricity through the water in which it lives. Hence, it is quite hazardous aquarium animal.
I started reading "Comparison and Contrast" continually and did the exercises.
In my opinion, these texts are quite neutral. I could do it with myself and did it best.
In my opinion, thinking about the main idea is difficult for me. I have to read more in order to understand and specify the main idea as well.
I tried to read and understand the text by noticing the repeating words. I also wrote my answers on the board so, the teacher could check my answers they are true or not.
I think that this lesson is important in reading. I can compare each of things and know that what is better. However, I should practice to read more because some conjunctions which are related with the comparisons and differences haven't known before.